Monday, February 23, 2009

Chanel Couture Cake

Can you believe this gorgeousness?

I have a shoot next week where I am designing cakes inspired by fashion.

Finally a reason to put together my Marni flower cake, (yay!) and as for some other ideas, I have got to do something with the exciting ideas from the Chanel couture show.

From what I have gathered, Karl Lagerfield used the metaphor of starting with a blank piece of paper. A metaphor we all can relate to in so many ways. (Like how many times I wish my closet were a blank piece of paper that would re-start with fabulous thigh high boots--even if not so perfect for the playground--) The backdrop of the show were massive swirls of soft rosettes and shapes, inspired by nature and all made out of pure white paper. The most outstanding element of the show was the headpieces each wore. Ranging from a rose-and-thorn hat, to something that looked like a mouthwatering bouquet of meringue flowers, there is so much inspiration here.

First I started with some sketches:

Would a thorn and rose cake be too dark? I am really feeling black and silver, but maybe that's for another day. I like the idea of a tall white cake with explosions of flowers.

I started making the flowers, anticipating that I will need a lot. Thank goodness my vintage jello molds are a good shape for drying my daisies. So far here are some of the finished flowers. I hand sculpted some white roses/camellias, and used my gumpaste cutters for others.

More flowers to come...
merci coco chanel

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